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Jednym z zadań na podstawowym egzaminie gimnazjalnym jest wybranie odpowiedniej reakcji językowej. Pojawia się ono zarówno w formie słuchania jak i w formie pytań a-b-c. Specjalnie dla was, zebrałam najczęściej pojawiające się pytania. Po przerobieniu ich, na pewno poradzicie sobie z zadaniami tego typu. Na końcu – PDF z odpowiedziami:) Powodzenia!

A. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

X: Hi, how are you feeling?
Y: __________________________
X: That’s good.
a) Never mind.
b) Well done.
c) That’s good.

X: Whose is this bag?
Y: __________________________
a) It’s mine.
b) It’s my brother.
c) It’s a bag.

X: How much is this?
Y: __________________________
a) It’s a size 42.
b) From 8 a.m.
c) It’s $50.

X: How often do you take your dog for a walk?
Y: __________________________
a) For about half an hour.
b) To the park.
c) Three times a day.

X: I started revising for my exam at 5 p.m. and it’s now 9 p.m!
Y: __________________________
a) Was the exam difficult?
b) Shouldn’t you take a break?
c) Did you make many mistakes?

X: Could I have a burger, please?
Y: __________________________
a) How much is that?
b) Certainly, anything else?
c) Are you ready to order?

X: Hi, come in. My name’s Lisa.
Y: __________________________
a) See you later.
b) Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
c) Nice to meet you.

X: Are your parents going to take you home?
Y: Yes, my dad’s coming in his car at 11 o’clock.
X: _________________________
a) Do you want me to come with you?
b) Why don’t yu phone him?
c) Would he mind taking me to the station?



X: What’s your surname?
Y: Jackson.
X: __________________________
Y: J-A-C-K-S-O-N
a) Could you spell that please?
b) What’s that?
c) Can you repeat that, please?

B. Do każdego zdania, przyporządkuj pasującą mu odpowiedź. Jedna odpowiedź nie pasuje do żadnego ze zdań.

1. What’s your new teacher like?
2. Have you got any plans for the weekend?
3. What’s your sister’s hobby?
4. Did you like the concert?

A. I’m going to visit my older sister.
B. He’s quite nice.
C. It wasn’t bad.
D. That’s Sarah, my sister.
E. She likes swimming and cooking.

1. ____   2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____

1. What are you doing this evening? 2. How did you do in your exam?
3. Could I use your toilet, please?
4. What kind of film do you want to see?

A. Of course, it’s upstairs on the right.
B. I’m going to the cinema with my parents.
C. A romantic comedy would be nice.
D. I’m sorry, I can’t.
E. I got three As and a B.

1. ____   2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____


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